RMCB1345: Chapel Farm

Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco



Land with 15ha, 4 houses (6 bedrooms) a chapel, springs, bore hole & gardens

Property Advertised by: Licensed Estate Agent

Property Description

Land with approx 15ha, in an area of excellence with surroundings of unique beauty.

The land has several constructions in stone, two of which completely rebuilt recently. One has 4 bedrooms, living room with fireplace, kitchen and 2 bathrooms and the other has 2 bedrooms, kitchen with fireplace, living room and a bathroom.

Main house has 480m2

2nd house with 385m2

3rd house with 343m2

4th with 520m2

A chapel with 215m2 and two more with smaller areas

Ideal for tourism and other projects. Has plenty of water from springs, wells, lakes and borehole.

Magnificent French gardens, numerous fruit trees, cork oaks and various shade trees. Nooks and crannies with fountains, staircases and ponds.


Property Location

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